Where to Donate Leftovers After Your Party

Where to Donate Leftovers After Your Party

In an earlier post, I recommended that you donate leftover food from your party to a local shelter, food bank or program instead of throwing it out or taking it home. You and your guests already had an amazing night, so why not make someone else’s night, right?

To help you on this very worthwhile charitable mission, below are a few sources to help you find a charity in your area. When looking at a charity’s website, the first order of business is to determine whether they take in-kind cooked food donations. Some do not. This information is usually under a tab called something along the lines of “Donate” or “Support” and then under “in-kind donations.”

Feeding America – Feeding America provides a list of food banks by state. You can also search by zip code.

Food Pantries – Food Pantries lists food pantries by state and provides contact information for each pantry.

Great Nonprofits – Great Nonprofits provides a list of homeless and housing shelters and charities located around the United States.

Homeless Shelters Directory – Through an interactive map, HSD provides a list of homeless shelters and service organizations around the United States.

Department of State – You can also check your state’s Department of State website. These often list charitable organizations in the state.

And if you want to research the charity before you make a donation, Charity Navigator is an independent charity evaluator.

If you know of any other good resources, please share them in the comments below.

Happy Planning.

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  • Melanie Martin
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